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As Plato observed, "The unexamined life is not worth living".   Pareidolia is a psychological phenomena where the mind has a tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern .  I experience this all the time and am fascinated by it.  


The dynamics of nature provides a wealth of opportunities to experience pareidolia and what I call "random symmetry".   Some objects are obvious i.e. an art deco silhouette of a woman's face in weathered sandstone or a piece of seaweed left by the waves shaped like a scorpion.   Others present the illusion of symmetry generated by the force of nature i.e. two branches stuck in a river bed forced into the same direction by the strength of the river's flow or wind blown cirrus uncinus clouds shaped like wings in bold flight. 


Like the Rorschach test, these images say something about me and my state of mind at the time I saw them and that is worth contemplating.    If the eyes are the windows to the soul within, than what we perceive through them can equally tell us something about ourselves. 


  Fine Art Photography

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"If you can't feel what your looking at, then you're never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures."                             Don McCullin

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